Machineko Museum 2020 vol.1 "Innocent"
12:30 - 19:00 (Sunday and last day will close at 17:00)
Venue: Maison de Neko
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小林 三枝子・Masahito Sato・Taro kakiuchi・buzz@Catmistry・山崎 航・伊東 純一・Mio Mori・三谷 育生・折原 秀・和氣 純夫・柳沢諏訪郎・小沢 竜也・とら豆・kiyochan・木元 陽一・伊藤 匠・信清 正充・mittsu・simabossneko & ぺにゃんこ・湯原 豊

Maison de neko
Acces s
- 8 minutes walk from the south exit of JR Tokyo Station
- 2 minutes walk from Exit 6 of Kyobashi Station on the Ginza Line
- 2 minutes walk from exit A6 of Takaracho Station on the Toei Asakusa Line
- A 10-minute walk from Ginza 1-chome Station, Nihonbashi Station, JR Kanda Station
*This is the second floor of a building with an antique shop on the first floor, in the middle of the alley with a gallery on the corner and a Yakitonya on the other side.