Miyako Akai's Artworks
Miyako Akai
Book artist.
This is the first hardcover miniature book that I made on my own because I wanted to turn the stories I had written into a suitable book form. Winner of the Grand Prix, awarded for consecutive years in 2007. After that, he spent 10 years learning Western traditional hand binding of regular-sized books, decoration, and book repair and preservation at Le Rieur Workshop and other locations. He received the same award in 2016, 2021, and 2022.
In 2014 and 2017, he was invited to give a lecture at a Mamemoto workshop at the Hong Kong Book Art Festival (Hong Kong). In 2018, I was invited to teach a small book workshop for children at The Sharjah International Book Fair (United Arab Emirates). In 2019, he received the Norman Forgue Award from the Miniature Book Society for his contributions to miniature books.
His publications include ``The Iroha of Making Mame Books'' (Kawade Shobo Shinsha), ``Just as Mame Books'' (Kawade Shobo Shinsha), and ``How to Make Mame Books Fun'' (Gakken Publishing).