Mayumi Koide's Artworks

Mayumi Koide
I'm trying to trap an unseen story that may be right next to me in a copper plate. The technique of corroding the copper plate and printing the time is never boring with alchemical dignity and depth. The paradox of flipping the printed copperplate prints may be perfect for me who wants to be the narrator of a story that goes into the world of mirrors.
Mayumi KOIDE
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture
Learn the basics of copperplate printing at the Yokohama Museum of Art
Since then, I have spent my days creating paintings and copperplate prints.
Currently Director of New Art Association
Japan Print Association Member
2009 Received the Grand Prize at the 4th Nishi-Aizu International Art Village Exhibition
2013 Received the Silver Award at the Japan Book Association Book Exhibition
2014 Selected for the 9th Kochi International Print Triennale Exhibition
2017 AOMORI Triennale 2017 Selected
2018 Received the Minamishimabara Mayor Award at the 18th Seminarillo Contemporary Print Exhibition
2019 Selected for the 63rd CWAJ Contemporary Print Exhibition
2020 Selected for the 11th Kochi International Print Triennale Exhibition
2023 21st Seminarillo Contemporary Print Exhibition Grand Prize Winner